Author: Temmy Berhitoe
for the Lord your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you (Deuteronomy 20:4). Through this God’s Word, there are 4 important points which we must do in order to experience our victory:
1. Verse 1: Do not be afraid
The enemies could be business, competition of business, pressures, illness, failures, deadlocks. Isaiah 41:10, “God be with us, He ready to help and give us victories”.
2. Verse 2 : Function of the priest in the family should be prioritized.
Priest must act as a leader who gives spirit, strength and motivation for the family then they will not be easily afraid, broken spirit and discouraged. In addition to that, the priest should raise prayer to God asking power and blessing to his family.
3. Verse 3: Priest should be strong
In order to overcome every step in the spiritual battle, the priest should be a role model when he is facing the enemy, he won’t be afraid of it.
4. Verse 4: Focus on God who gives the victory
Don’t focus on your strength, power, brain, etc. The man who focus on, he is serious, he strives, he endeavors and we must understand the proverb 21:31,” the victory is at the Lord’s hand” (focus on God only).
Zefanya 3:17, ” The Lord your God is in your midst; he is a warrior who can deliver. The victory has been given, becoming my part. For this matter, is required a priest (Hebrew 11:1, Mark 11:22-24).
Important tips to remember: Romans 8:31-39, What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? We are more than conquerors! Take your steps and get your victory. Jesus bless you.
(quoted from GBI Fatmawati's Bulletin, September 21, 2011)